2017年8月22日 星期二

劇本:suits s01e05 1704-1810


L: Hi, Donna.
Harvey and I were just, uh, talking about you.

D: No.

L: You don’t even know
what I was gonna say.

D: Yes, I do.

L: And how is that possible?

D: I read lips. I know body language.
And I talk to Norma.
I’m not some token you win at a fair, Louis.

L: You are not… I know you’re not.
You’re not a token.

D: I’m a human being, and I just …

L: Yes, you are.

D: I’m sorry.
I just…
You know what?
That just made me feel really cheap.

L: No, I’m just trying to tell you
that you’re really good
at what you do, Donna.
So I’m gonna ask you

D: It’s like my soul hurts now.

L: No.
Donna, listen.
Even if your soul hurts a little bit…

D: I’m sorry.

L: It’s okay.
It’s gonna be fine.
Don’t cry.
Please don’t cry, Donna.

L: Oh, shit.





#為何我們總是如此不安? 我帶著3個疑問,展開這本書的閱讀 為什麼害怕對別人展現真實的自己? 為什麼自己常常「主動讓步」,來處理人際衝突? 為什麼要到退無可退,才發現自己遍體鱗傷,把對方胃口養大,我的底線在哪裡? 1.對自己高標準,害怕被拒絕 不是每個人,每件事都和自...