2017年8月7日 星期一

劇本:suits s01e06 1754-1842


You know, you corporate lawyers
look down your noses at us
because we didn’t go to Ivy League schools.
Just because I don’t have a fancy degree
doesn’t mean you get to come into my house
and order me around.
And you go whine to Morello,
and I’ll knock you on your ass
like the puss you are.

Well, Sam, I’m sorry that you feel that way.
But I’ve been working for your boss, Dean Morello,
for a very long time.
And let me tell you something.
If you try to stonewall me,
you’ll be out on the street
in less than a week.
As for the other stuff,
do I think that I’m smarter than you?
You’re damn right I do.
But if you think that means
that I can’t kick your ass
up and down this floor,
take a swing and see what happens.
I didn’t think so.

課堂練習 - 第一次錄音
課堂練習 - 第二次錄音
課堂練習 - 第三次錄音




#為何我們總是如此不安? 我帶著3個疑問,展開這本書的閱讀 為什麼害怕對別人展現真實的自己? 為什麼自己常常「主動讓步」,來處理人際衝突? 為什麼要到退無可退,才發現自己遍體鱗傷,把對方胃口養大,我的底線在哪裡? 1.對自己高標準,害怕被拒絕 不是每個人,每件事都和自...